Knowledge Quarter 2040 Vision:
Our Blueprint for Growth.
Knowledge Quarter Liverpool (KQ Liverpool) is an innovation district located in Liverpool City Centre.
The KQ Liverpool 2040 Vision is a blueprint for growth, defining KQ Liverpool’s role in shaping the future of the innovation district.
The scale of ambition for the innovation district, as the engine room for driving inclusive growth across the City, City Region and beyond, can only be achieved through long-term partnership and commitment to this shared vision.
At KQ Liverpool we do things differently.
Our 2040 Vision has been created as a dynamic video to reflect the innovative nature of our ambitions, so please take a look below.
Download Our 2040 Vision Here
Our Mission
To deliver inclusive growth in KQ Liverpool and across the City Region, through partnership, collaboration, and innovation; continuing to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
Our Vision
Our 2040 Vision is to create a place that is both inclusive and inspirational for generations to come. Fostering transformation, raising aspirations and showcasing innovation. We are change makers and future shapers, we are KQ Liverpool.
Our Strategic Objectives
Our strategic approach to achieve our Mission and Vision is to…
Convene & Collaborate
We bring people together with purpose to create defined outcomes.
Amplify & Attract
We promote our place to forge strategic partnerships, attract talent and investment.
Invent & Innovate
We find new ways to help make the place and people’s lives better.
Convene & Collaborate
& Attract
& Innovate
The core challenges we face in achieving our mission & vision
Through Convening and Collaborating; Amplifying and Attracting; and Inventing and Innovating, our additive role is to help to overcome some of the core challenges we face in terms of achieving our Mission and Vision.
Despite the world-leading health and education institutions based within KQ Liverpool, there are huge inequalities in the City and City Region in terms of health, education, and deprivation.
When compared to other UK cities, there is still a lack of government and inward investment, as well as a lack of “cornerstone” businesses and related employment opportunities.
Whilst there has been a focus on startups and SMEs, and recent success in terms of University spin outs, there is still a need to prioritise scaling up businesses and to make the business support landscape less complex.
There is a perceived disconnect between KQ Liverpool and the City Centre core, in terms of transport, public realm and active travel – particularly up to Paddington Village and the new hospitals. There is also a disconnect between businesses and the knowledge economy beyond the existing boundary of KQ Liverpool e.g. in the Commercial Business District or Baltic Triangle.
People have different perceptions of what KQ Liverpool is and does, and some have no idea at all. Few residents will be aware that they are in the Knowledge Quarter or think that it does anything for them.